European Composers and Songwriters Alliance
The Portuguese Association of Composers (APC) was invited to become the first national entity to be a part of the European Composers and Songwriters Alliance (ECSA). This entity has the purpose of defending the labours rights and of the professional dignity of composers and songwriters in Europe.Presently, ECSA joins together more than forty Associations distributed by twenty five countries, with the goal of creating a political, social and economical consciousness, at the European level, of the profession of the composer..The Board of Directors of APC was present at the Working Committees and the General Assembly of ECSA, that happened in Stockholm between the 7th and the 9th of October.
APC shares, along with its European partners, concerns in the area of the just distribution of authors rights, the application of fair trade politics, the institutional valuing and fair adjustment of composer fees, according to principles and values that dignify the profession.APC has assumed,
with determination, in its agenda of priorities, to get together with some of the most prominent entities of music production in portugal as well as music creators that have become our associates, with the objective of putting in practice the defense of the status of all Portuguese Composers.Today, Portugal is strongly invested in the superior formation of professional musicians, that because of the lack of balance of the relation between education and the labour market, see themselves, frequently forced to leave the country. This makes our culture weaker.
By integrating ECSA, APC reinforces its authority and broadens its field of action as an organisation that represents the interests of all Portuguese composers in Europe.